processing center riddle

Riddles - Batman: Arkham Asylum -
Black Mask is seen at the start of the game in the processing center to the right, but the actual bio is found through a riddle, i forget which one and where.
Get onto the balcony adjoining the Arkham City Processing Center (screen above ) - Riddles. Get onto the balcony adjoining the Arkham City Processing Center.
Note that after the Processing Center during story mode you will drop down a hole. level of the Wonder Tower Foundation (Wonder City) to solve this riddle.
I think a number of those doors were used as the answer for Riddles.. I've even been running around the entire processing center firing the.
Dec 2, 2011. I beat the game and went back to the processing center to see if the. no fuse boxes to overcharge, no riddle pads/switches to activate etc.
Hints and Tips to complete The Bowery Riddle 9 in Batman Arkham City is. and Align the question mark in the Processing Center and scan it.
Batman: Arkham Asylum Riddles - Batman Arkham Asylum Guide.. Patient Pacification Chamber · Processing Corridor Part 2 · Transfer Loop · Secure .. Stand in the office in the center of the Intensive Treatment Lobby and look through the.
Riddler Master List - Batman: Arkham City -
Batman Arkham City processing center - GameFAQs.
I think a number of those doors were used as the answer for Riddles.. I've even been running around the entire processing center firing the.

That locked door in the Arkham Processing Center. - GameFAQs.
Audit Processing Center, Tammy Riddle: Accountant in Arlington, TX.
The idea behind this riddle is switching them both off in a short period of time.. After reaching the Arkham City Processing Center, use the Electrical Charge to.
processing center riddle
That locked door in the Arkham Processing Center. - GameFAQs.Page 11 - Batman: Arkham City Riddler guide | GamesRadar.
How to solve: Go to Processing Center and you'll see a dead TYGER guard. Scan the dead body and you'll solve the riddle. If you have any.
These are organized to match the Riddles Status Screens in the game -- now .. wing and turn to look towards the center and you will see the demo-wall here.
processing center riddle
the mirror in the processing center: Batman Arkham City Community.