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ASL University - American Sign Language (ASL).
ASL Dictionary (American Sign Language) Free Online.
Noun, 1. ASL - the sign language used in the United States. American sign language · finger alphabet, manual alphabet - an alphabet used by the deaf; letters.
The ASL-English Dictionary allows users to look up an English word based on an ASL. volunteers and reviewed by registered users and made freely available online.. Please feel free to try out the search engine, quick search page or the.
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ASL Browser - Comm Tech Lab @ MSU - Michigan State University.
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ASL Dictionary Online: Numbers - Angelfire.
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Is there a free online SEE dictionary? - Sign Language Dictionary - My Smart Hands.
List of Free Online American Sign Language Training Programs.
Welcome to the My Smart Handsâ„¢. baby sign language dictionary. If you are looking for a sign that isn't available here please feel free to email me the word you.